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Always busy, whatever the weather

We are not exactly enjoying the same sort of June weather that saw heat waves at this time of year in 2017 and 2018. We left it as long as we possibly could before deciding to postpone sports day, and though it is not raining as I write on Friday morning, being out on a soggy field in a cold wind would have tested even the most ardent of athletics fans. We are looking at the school calendar for the rest of term, and working with our PE coaches from CM Sports, to find a new date for sports day to share with families at the earliest opportunity.

Let’s instead look ahead, weather permitting. On Friday 21 June we have our Countries of the World Carnival on the school field, starting at 1:30pm, to which all families are warmly invited. This is a non-uniform day as well, so children may well enjoy dressing up in clothes to match the colours or themes of the country they have been learning about this term: Year R Mexico, Year 1 the Arctic, Year 2 Kenya, Year 3 China, Year 4 Australia, Year 5 India and Year 6 Brazil! We ask that on the day, for the non-uniform contribution, families provide a full bottle of something (soft, soapy or grown-up!) to go towards the Summer Fest bottle tombola.

Speaking of which, don’t forget the annual St Peter’s Fest from 5:00pm to 8:00pm on Friday 28 June on the school field – a Country and Western theme bringing fun for all. Tickets are on sale in the school office.

Do please take a few minutes to click on the Curriculum tab above to see pictures of the wonderful art family learning morning that Mrs Pearson hosted – an amazing feat in a busy school.

And finally, some key dates for Year 6 families are listed below.

Mr R Cunningham



  • Year 6 Performance ‘Joseph’ at Oaklands Catholic School, Tuesday 16 July at 6:30pm.
    All families throughout the school are welcome to the show, ticket information to follow.



  • Year 6 Leavers’ Mass at St Peter’s in the school hall, Friday 19 July at 1:30pm followed by afternoon tea.  Year 6 families welcome.



  • Year 6 Celebration fun day, Monday 22 July.  Strictly pupils only – because they’ve earned it! (Sorry parents!!) 



  • Final day of the school year for all pupils – Tuesday 23 July.



50p for the meter?

We all know that little projects around the house never stay little, or cheap!, once we’ve embarked on a bit of DIY. The other option, of course, is to get a professional in to do the job. Typically these never run to time as the handyman or woman also has ‘a couple of other jobs on at the moment’, usually in some obscure place far away that leaves our job half done. Well, the same applies here, and many children and families have been asking when the new building will be opened. We are in the process of sorting out a power supply issue that arose long after all of our pre-build checks were completed and signed off. A key factor in this lies off our site, and involves equipment that needs to be imported from abroad. Once we have the power connected, contractors will be able to complete and address any points arising from a snag list, and then the finishing touches should fall into place. So, for now, we just have to have another cup of tea and a couple of biscuits, in the spirit of all good DIY projects and builders everywhere.

Mr R Cunningham


Opening up on mental health

As many of you will know, this past week has been nationally noted as Mental Health Awareness Week. It is now commonly accepted amongst experts that half of all mental health conditions in adults are established before the age of fourteen. This is why the mental health and well-being of children and young people is now gaining an ever higher profile in the media and the health care sector. Mrs Pelling, our Child and Family Support Worker, sent our e-mails to families this week with information booklets on emotional well-being and positive steps to maintain good mental health. To complement this, pupils had an assembly on Friday which used some of the material that can be found in the following link

Families may want to make use of some of the content to become better informed on children’s emotional resilience and well-being strategies, and are always welcome to contact Mrs Pelling for further information and advice.

Mr R Cunningham


Testing times, put in perspective.

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers our pupils in Years 2 and 6 who have been working even harder than usual recently, as the children in each of these year groups are undertaking their SATs in May. The debates about the rights and wrongs of testing children in primary schools are endless and often frustrating, so instead let us focus on the pupils and their personal development. I know that the staff in both year groups have worked hard to help the children be as well prepared as possible for their transition to the next Key Stage in their education. Even without the tests, colleagues at St Peter’s give their all for each child, providing support, encouragement, challenge and inspiration for the pupils in their classes as they grow and flourish through the year groups. It is important to remember that whatever the results of a test, and however they are used to rate and rank a school, exam results do not change a school’s most precious commodity – the children themselves. Long before the papers are issued, we are all very proud of the effort, commitment and hard work that our pupils have put in this year, and we know that when the time comes for rest and relaxation these will be well deserved.

Mr R Cunningham

The Friends of St Peter’s – proud but not loud!

As I write this blog, I am enjoying the Key Stage 2 Silent Disco.

I am not in the disco.

It is in the hall next to my office.

But it is silent, which is why I am enjoying it so much!

This does, however, give me an opportunity to praise and promote the excellent work done by our amazing PTA The Friends of St Peter’s. Last Friday the children in Key Stage 1 and Early Years had a great time at their Greatest Showman themed fundraiser, joining in with plenty of songs from the show, and even a couple of numbers that appear on the Radio 2 playlist.

The Friends of St Peter’s will soon be gearing up for their major fundraiser and biggest event of the school year, the annual and very much enjoyed St Peter’s Fest on Friday 28 June from 5:30pm to 8:00pm. All families and friends of the school are warmly invited to the Wild West themed event, and the Dolly Parton tribute act will be joined by class group dance routines prepared by our sports coaches. There will be plenty of stalls and sideshows as well to entertain all ages from toddlers to grandparents and everyone in between. Ticket details will follow in due course, as will information about a pupil non-uniform day on Friday 21 June 2019 (our Countries of the World Carnival Day) where the donation for coming in own clothes is traditionally a bottle filled with any liquid (soft drink, shampoo, grown-up pop, etc).

The Friends of St Peter’s are always looking for volunteers to help with any task, small or large, and welcome any time that people can give up to help lay on events and raise money for the school. If you would like to find out more, please contact the Chair Mrs Charmaine Bennett via the school office, and she will gladly give you any information you need.

Mr R Cunningham


Almost ready to move in

Over the Easter break there was a big drive on the installation works for our new building.  The ground works around the building and the fencing have now all been completed.  There remains some internal decoration and installation to do, and we hope to have full access granted during the month of May once the water and electricity are fully connected.  These photos show just how well the building fits in with the style of the rest of the school, and we are looking forward to making full use of the extra space to bring even more opportunities to our pupils’ learning.


Year 4 today embarked on the first field trip of the summer term with a day visit to Winchester.  As part of their Anglo-Saxon studies, the pupils visited the ever beautiful Winchester cathedral.  Massive thanks go to Miss Stapley, Miss Burch, Mrs Lavery, Mrs Osmond and the parent volunteers who made the trip possible.

Mr R Cunningham


Happy Easter from the staff at St Peter’s

Half way through Lent

This weekend sees the Fourth Sunday of Lent, otherwise known as mid-Lent Sunday or Laetare Sunday, from the first words of the Introit Laetare Jerusalem (‘Rejoice, O Jerusalem’) from Isaiah 66:10. As Pope Innocent III said: “Today is the middle of Lent, so some relaxation ought to be provided, lest the faithful break down under the severity of their Lenten fasts”. To mark this juncture, we have arranged two special treats for the pupils. On Friday morning, children from the Drama Club performed ‘Every Panto That Ever There Was (in under 15 minutes)’, a showcase which took us on a whistle-stop tour of 18 pantomines in just a quarter of an hour!

To raise money for our Lenten alms giving, children will be coming to school on Monday dressed in their own clothes to raise money for CAFOD, with the theme of ‘Wear it Wacky’ as it coincides with April Fools’ Day!

It seems odd to be in the last week of the spring term just after the middle of Lent, but the children this coming week will all experience the Stations of the Cross. Year Groups R to 2 will have a Stations of the Cross service on Tuesday afternoon, then Year Groups 3 to 6 will take turns to visit the chapel at Oaklands Catholic School for their own reflections on Christ’s journey to Calvary.  Below are examples of work the children have been doing in RE as part of their learning on the season of Lent.

Mr R Cunningham


Woof Woof!

Well done to the pupils and staff in Year 4 for leading a unique fundraising enterprise.

The year group have been working on the importance of guide dog training to help people who are visually impaired or blind.  The staff team really brought this Citizenship project alive by arranging a visit from a guide dog in training called Indie.  A more relaxed pooch you may never have met, as Indie engaged really well with two classrooms full of excited children.

Inspired by the visit from Indie and the presentation given by his handlers and trainers, the pupils wanted to raise money to help with guide dog training.  They did this by organising a ‘Heads Up for Guide Dogs’ day.  The school community raised £200 by donating to wear something silly on their heads.

Well done to the Year 4 pupil and staff team, and thank you to everyone in the school for their support.

Mr R Cunningham


Happy St Patrick’s Day

Happy St Patrick’s Day from everyone at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School.

From the prayer of St Patrick

Christ shield me today
Against wounding
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in the eye that sees me,
Christ in the ear that hears me.
I arise today
Through the mighty strength
Of the Lord of creation.


Mr R Cunningham
