This Wednesday 20th May was National ‘Thank a teacher’ day.

In my opinion every adult who works in a school is a teacher, regardless of their official role or job title. The children at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School learn so much from the adults in their classrooms, the kitchen, the office and in the site team, all working together for their benefit. I know for sure that the same can be said for our next door neighbours in Oaklands Catholic School and Sixth Form College, as well as our friends and colleagues on the other side of the A3 at St Thomas More’s Catholic Primary School in Bedhampton. And all of this is true in normal times, never mind the ways in which our Catholic schools have striven to work for the academic, pastoral and spiritual benefit of all their pupils and students in these most challenging of coronavirus times. Therefore, in the spirit of the day, I can include each and every adult at these three schools when I say THANK YOU to you all colleagues on this week of National Thank a Teacher Day!
And finally, here are the links for a Sunday Liturgy and daily home prayers for the week.
Mr R Cunningham