Monthly Archives: December, 2019

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas from all the staff at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School.

Thank you for all of the kind words, thoughtful cards and generous gifts.

With our very best wishes for a restful holiday and a prosperous 2020.

Mr R Cunningham


Top of the tree

Thank you so much to all of the families who donated tons and tons of tins and tins during Advent and today on our Christmas jumper day.  The can collection was also boosted by a very generous retiring collection from our Carol Service this week which raised £176 to go towards buying items for our Christmas Caring Cans tree.  Pictured here is the tree in all its splendour, carefully constructed with mathematical and engineering precision by Mr Pratley and Mr Land.

On Friday afternoon Mrs Knight and Mrs Walls’ drama club presented their Christmas show of The Bethlehem Star, and we were lucky enough to be joined by Councillor Wade, former Mayor of Havant, and his wife Mrs Wade.  After watching the show, we ‘presented’ to Councillor Wade our Food Bank donations, and he spoke to the whole school about the difference their generosity will make to those families in need and the homeless of Havant and Waterlooville this Christmas.

Pictured below are Councillor Wade and Mrs Wade, Mrs Pearson who was the inspiration behind the project, and Mr Land and Mr Pratley, who along with their Year 6 classes coordinated the collection and construction.

Mr R Cunningham


Do you hear what I hear?

St Peter’s school choir have been doing wonderful performances lately as the festive season starts to get into gear.  Pictured below you can see the choir performing at Oaklands Catholic School, where once again they opened the annual Craft and Gift Fayre to a great reception.  This coming week, they will be performing at a Volunteers’ Christmas Party at the Rowans Hospice, and leading the congregational singing at the school Carol Service.  The service is at 6:30pm at the Church of the Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle in Waterlooville, and all people linked to the St Peter’s community are warmly invited to join us.  Special thanks must go to Mrs Sumba for leading the choir and preparing them for their many seasonal commitments.

Mr R Cunningham
