Weathering the storm
It was a meteorologically turbulent start to the week at St Peter’s, as Monday brought rain, hailstones, thunder and lightening in the space of just a few hours. As you can imagine, such changeable weather brings a whole new level of excitement to a school packed with over 400 children aged 4 to 11!
How apt, then, that in the staff bulletin, this was the prayer and accompanying image for the week:
Speak your Word Lord to calm the winds and rains of the storm, and the hearts of those who are in its path. Protect them from harm, bring them to safety and make of us a warm welcome. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who walked on the water, calmed the waves and is ever-present in the storms we endure. Amen.

Mr R Cunningham
Almost a triathlon
Pupils in Year 5 at St Peter’s are really extending their physical activity this term. Each class is taking part in a six-week swimming programme between the New Year and Easter, with weekly hour-long lessons at the Waterlooville Horizon Leisure Centre. These classes cater for children of all swimming abilities and levels of water confidence, with the target of all pupils achieving a swimming distance of 25m in various strokes, treading water, floating on their backs and getting themselves out of deep water unaided. Added to this, the Year 5 classes will also be enjoying Bikeability sessions – that’s the updated name for Cycling Proficiency. As well as learning basic cycle care and cycling skills, the children will also take to the roads around school to learn how to navigate public highways safely and correctly.
Both of these activities are proof against the claim that young people are just on sofas and on screens the whole time, and show that the St Peter’s curriculum extends to valuable life skills and enriching physical activities.
Mr R Cunningham
January sunrise
Coming to school, and work, can be tough in January, yet who would not have had their spirits lifted by this beautiful sunrise over St Peter’s on Tuesday morning this week?

Mr R Cunningham
Festive Fundraising – a big “Thank you”.
We are delighted to be able to start 2025 with news that St Peter’s Catholic Primary School raised £1195.07 for the Meerkat Service at the Rowans Hospice.
The Child Bereavement Support service (known as Rowans Meerkat Service), offers specialist emotional support to children and young people who have a significant adult (such as a parent or grandparent), with a life-limiting illness or, who have been bereaved of an adult close to them. Specially trained staff at the Meerkat Service work alongside families with children up to the age of 18. The money was raised from selling programmes and accepting donations at our Nativity Plays in December staged by Years R, 1 and 2, and then from a retiring collection at our school Carol Service at Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle Church.
Thank you to all linked to the St Peter’s community who donated to our Christmas fundraising campaign. Please continue to keep the pupils, staff and families of St Peter’s in your prayers over this coming year.
Mr R Cunningham