Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas from all the staff at St Peter’s.
Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped with learning, trips and special events over the year.
Thank you for the many cards, gifts and good wishes that have been sent in for the staff.
Have a restful and peaceful holiday.
Mr R Cunningham
Christmas Cheer
Well done and thank you to the school choir, who have finished off their festive tour this week. Having sung at the Oaklands Christmas Craft Fayre and the St Peter’s Carol Service, they gave their last performance of the season at the Rowan’s Hospice.
Performing to Rowans volunteers during their Christmas party, the choir led by Miss Hill and Mrs Spurgeon set a wonderful seasonal tone. The performance was also a chance to present a donation of £295.00 from St Peter’s to the RowansHospice, which came from the Carol Service collection.
Mr R Cunningham
Traditions old and new
The past week at St Peter’s has seen the annual taking place of some traditional events, and the start of what I hope will become a secure fixture in the pupils’ learning calendar.
As we enter Advent, the whole school walked to the church of the Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle on Tuesday for the traditional Advent service. This was a chance for each year group to present the work they have been doing in RE lessons as part of their understanding about Advent. Wednesday saw the pupils in Year R present a wonderful Nativity play. The audience, packed with proud parents and grandparents, were amazed at just how much the children had grown in confidence over just three months at St Peter’s.
In terms of new traditions, Friday 1st December saw a deep learning day through the whole school for STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Devoting the full day to a single project allowed the pupils to really investigate, trial and assess their learning in a range of scientific challenges. Be sure to ask you child what their year group worked on, and watch out for the next STEM day on 2nd February 2018.
On Wednesday 13th December at 6:00pm, the school has its Key Stage 2 Carol Service at the church of the Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle. This is a chance for the older children in the school to present a congregational celebration of the coming festive season. Everyone is invited to this Carol Service, and we look forward to seeing many of you there.
Mr R Cunningham
The Old and the Young (pupils)
Plenty of varied activities for pupils her at St Peter’s in the last week. A selection of Year 6 pupils gave a wonderful assembly about a project they carried out at the Living Well Centre at the Rowans Hospice. My thanks go to Mrs Pearson for organising the project, and to the staff and volunteers of the Rowans who facilitated it. At the other end of the spectrum, our Year R pupils set out on their first school trip this week. They walked to (and back from!) Waterlooville library, adding to the love of books that Mrs Domblides is already instilling in them. Thank you not only to the St Peter’s and Waterlooville library staff for arranging the visit, but also to the family volunteers who helped to supervise the pupils on the journey.
And speaking of volunteers, we have launched an appeal in November’s newsletter for parents, carers or relatives of pupils in school who may be able to offer up to 90 minutes a week to either hear children read or play maths games with pupils. Please see the latest newsletter for details of how to contact Mrs Pelling and offer your services as one of your early New Year’s resolutions!
Mr R Cunningham