
Over the last few weeks in Year 3, we have been learning about the story of Pentecost. We have took part in some role play to retell the story and created freeze frames for the parts we thought were the most important.

We have also been thinking and talking about where we can see the Holy Spirit in our lives, this was part of the homework we did over the May half term as well.

We hope you can see us spreading the Holy Spirit and good news just like the Apostles!

Spring Term in Year 3

We have had lots of fun in Year 3 over the last term including World Book Day, Inter-house football competition and learning about other faiths.

As well as having fun we have worked really hard on learning the column method, using speech in our writing and understanding fractions.

Hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday!

Flapjack Making

As some of you may know, on Friday 19th January Year 3 made flapjacks as part of their Design Technology topic this half term. This helped us work on our weighing skills and ensured that we were cutting the dried fruit safely using the bridge method.

We hope that you got the chance to taste and enjoy our flapjacks.

A surprise visitor…

Very unexpectedly THE GRINCH not only came with a prize for us but he also ran with us during our Santa dash this morning.

We have been writing letters back to him after receiving his nasty letter to us…

We are trying our best to convince him that Christmas is in fact the best time of year.

He threw a prize at us this morning, whoever can be the most persuasive in their letter will win the toy!

Website links

As you may have heard, we have practiced a lot of our times tables this week through songs-

Here are some links to our favourites-

And in English we have been learning how to use inverted commas (speech marks) accurately.
We hope you enjoy!

Welcome to Year Three

Hello and welcome to a new academic year! We are so excited to start learning with you all and making memories.

If you were unable to make our welcome meeting, then please find the powerpoint below.

Welcome to Year Three 2023


Any questions please let Miss Shaw or Miss Owen know.


Thank you for all of the junk modelling that was brought in for us to use. Today we became engineers and created our very own boats! We had to make sure they were fit for purpose- waterproof, buoyant and could hold a weight.

We had a lot of fun and some of us created very successful boats!

Well done Year Three!

DT afternoon

We had a fantastic afternoon making our fruit salads. We learnt how to use the bridging method for safe cutting and managed to cut up a huge amount of fruit!

We created delicious fruit salads that we can use as inspiration as a healthy snack for after sports day, we have been learning about how to fuel our body healthily before and after exercise.

Coronation celebrations

Over the wall

Thank you so much for your donations to our charity fundraising day!

As  a year group we managed to raise £113.55!

The children learnt a lot through their PE lesson, reflecting on different types of disabilities and how this could effect them in different sports.


If you would like to find out more about this charity and their work then here is a link to their website-


Thank you again!

Mr Livings and Miss Shaw