It’s hot, hot, hot!
What a fabulous week of sun we have enjoyed! Thank you to all the parents who have provided sun hats, sun cream and water bottles. The children have managed brilliantly in the warm weather, making the most of shady spots outside and teachers have ensured regular opportunities to rehydrate throughout the day.
In spite of the heat, the hard work and learning continues this week with a variety of valuable opportunities. Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a reflective and prayerful mass at the Sacred Heart Church. It is always very special coming together to worship and this was no exception. In addition, Year R visited Tuppenny Barn in Southbourne as part of their ‘Growing’ topic. Whilst there, they were able to think about how plants grow, make their own eco-friendly plant pots and then cook food that had already grown. One of our Year 5 classes went to Staunton Country Park and Farm to help develop a better understanding of habitats and life cycles. The other Year 5 class are very excited to be going this coming Monday. Thank you to all the staff and helpers who were involved in providing the children with such valuable, hands-on learning opportunities.
To finish our week, we were all inspired to ‘never give up’, ‘encourage others’ and ‘do our best’ (NED), through an exciting assembly that really helped us to reflect on what helps us to be ‘champion learners’.
“I really enjoyed it! It will help me to encourage others to keep going!” (Kaitlyn, Year 5)
“It definitely told us the message and inspired me to never give up and do my best in all my work.” (Oscar, Year 5)
We are really looking forward to bringing NED into our learning inside and outside of the classroom.
Mr Cunningham is at home recovering well from his recent operation. Our prayers and best wishes remain with him and we look forward to his return in the coming weeks.
Mrs Knight and Mrs Pfeiffer
Another busy week…
As you are may be aware, Mr Cunningham underwent an operation last week to remove his appendix. He is currently recovering from this and cards and best wishes from the children have been gratefully received.
We would ask that all members of our school and parish community remember Mr Cunningham in our prayers while he recuperates.
In the meantime, the hard work and commitment continues in school, and last Friday we celebrated a wonderful St Peter’s Fest. Great fun was had by all! The children all enjoyed performing on the stage and taking part in fun activities organised by the Friends of St Peter’s. We would like to say a huge thank you to all those who contributed to such a successful evening.
This week we have also had children from our school choir take part in the Waterlooville Music Festival at St George’s Church in Waterlooville. The children performed with confidence and commitment and were a real credit to the school.
We are delighted to welcome the summer weather this week; the children have been enjoying the field at lunchtimes. Please can we take this opportunity to remind you all to wear hats, sun cream and a water bottle to keep hydrated.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Pfeiffer and Mrs Knight