
Today we had a very special visit from Amelia, the Mickey Mouse group leader from Dreamflight. She told Cassowary class all about the life changing experience for children with life affecting illnesses. She explained that for one child only to experience this holiday of a lifetime costs £4000!! As a class, we are now feeling more driven and determined than ever to ensure that we raise as much money as we can for our sponsored swim stewardship project so that we can help to contribute to this amazing opportunity!

Science learning

This week in science, we made predictions on what time in the day that our shadow will be at its longest and when will it be shortest. We then created a prediction graph to show how long we thought our shadow would be at different points in the day. Throughout the day, we then went onto the playground and measured our shadows to find out if our predictions were correct.

Ask your child: What time was their shadow the longest and what time was their shadow the shortest and why?

World Book Day 2025

Year 5 Space Topic

Scan the QR code to check out our space learning in 5JNS!

We will be adding more to this soon – so keep your eyes peeled!

Creative Home Learning – All about Space!

Well done Year 5 on all of your fantastic creative home learning all about Space!

Other Faiths learning

This week, in RE, we learnt about Sikhism and Hinduism. We learnt about their steps to worship. We recognised the similarities and differences to our steps to worship. We also got to explore their different objects that they use when worshipping. It was very fascinating!

Go, go, go Joseph! Go, go, go Oaklands!

This morning, Year 5 were invited to watch a dress rehearsal of Oakland’s act 1 performance of Joseph and the technicolour dreamcoat! Wow! What a performance- well done to Oaklands! We were so inspired by their performance that we used the remainder of the day as a music deep learning day. We discussed and shared informed opinions about what we heard, commenting on the context / purpose and impact of the music. We responded to, identify, compare and contrast music with an awareness of the music’s context and purpose and understood and identified why and how the composer has used key features / devices. We then responded to the music through art. Finally, we researched all about the fantastic composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber.

There is still time to book tickets for the performances at Oaklands and tickets will be available at the door.

Break a leg, team Joseph at Oaklands!

Bike ability Day one

The children braved the wind and rain and completed Level one of their Bike ability course.

This afternoon 5JNS Level two riders took their learning to the road.

Happy New Year Year 5!

Welcome back Year 5 – we hope that you had a restful and enjoyable Christmas holidays.

We have an active and exciting Spring 1 half term ahead of us, including:

English: Boy in the Tower and Pandora

Maths: Measure, fractions and geometry

RE: Christmas and Revelations

Science: Space and gravity

PE: Swimming, netball and bikeability

Geography: Australia and natural resources

Music: Space

Computing: Selection in physical computing


Library: 5D- Tuesday 5JNS- Thursday

Swimming: 5JNS- Wednesday

Home learning: Friday

The true meaning of Advent in an advert

In RE this week, we created adverts to inform everybody of the true meaning of Advent.

Take a look at our adverts by following the QR code!