A happy harvest haul
The pupils, families and staff of St Peter’s rose to the call for a harvest donation with typical generosity and enthusiasm. Enormous thanks to you all for the generous donations pictured here, which have formed the centrepiece for our harvest worships, and which will be donated to the Waterlooville foodbank over half term.
With our best wishes to all families for a restful and autumnal half-term holiday.
Mr R Cunningham
School Uniform Mass
It was great to join with pupils from a host of local schools to celebrate Mass on Sunday morning 10th October 2021.
As a belated way of marking Education Sunday, children of the parish of Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle, St Edmund’s, and other local parishes, were invited to attend Mass in their school uniform. This was a great show of strength with perhaps the largest congregation since the pandemic began.
As well as providing pupils and students to read the bidding prayers and scripture readings, pupils from Year 5 at St Peter’s and Key Stage 3 at Oaklands also produced sunflower artwork for the offertory procession.
I must thank Fr Jeremy for hosting us in celebrating this Mass, and the lay Chaplain at Oaklands Miss Jessica Heath for bringing together the artwork, readers and music for the Mass, which we hope will become an annual event each October.
Mr R Cunningham
Harvest Appeal 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
We know that the last 19 months have been tough for everyone during the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. We also know that for some vulnerable members of our communities, the challenges of the pandemic simply added further to difficult situations that they were already facing. For many, these struggles and challenges will only get worse in the coming winter months.
One way that St Peter’s would like to offer assistance to our community neighbours who find themselves in these situations is to donate tinned, packet, dried and long-life food to our local foodbank. We would like this October to have a harvest appeal for donations of as many of the above products as families are able to provide. It would be greatly appreciated if donations could be brought into school over the first 2 weeks of October so that we can prepare a harvest donation display for our children to see, and to serve as a focal point for assemblies before half term. We will then pass all donations onto the Waterlooville foodbank for distribution over the coming months.
With great thanks and best wishes to all families
Mr Cunningham and the St Peter’s staff team.