Cyber safety education
St Peter’s takes its commitment to teaching pupils about cyber-safety very seriously. In November, pupils from our Cyber Ambassadors scheme prepared and presented to classes information on how to protect personal details and be conscious of their digital footprint when using resources on-line. The power of this message came from the fact that the pupils, whilst supported by adults in the school, researched their own resources to use in the presentation. This meant that the content was relevant to what interests children when using the internet for playing games and watching videos on-line.
This week, we built upon this education with presentations for year groups from Lee Hayward, who works as a cyber-safety consultant to local schools. The focus of his presentation was twofold; firstly helping the children to spot the signs and dangers of fake social media content, and secondly to be wary of befriending individuals on-line who may play the same games or visit the same sites on the internet. The importance of keeping on-line safety education up to date is that the virtual world is constantly changing itself, meaning that we will continue to bring in support and advice to help our pupils become responsible and safe citizens of the internet world.
Mr R Cunningham
Water into wine (even in dry January)
Mr R Cunningham
Out and about
It has been a busy week for school trips this week at St Peter’s. The Year 5 classes went to Winchester Science Museum as an introduction to their science topic of space, taking the opportunity whilst there to explore other topics of scientific interest. Our youngest learners in the Reception Year also went boldly forward by taking their first group trip to Waterlooville Library. As they walked from school into town, they received many compliments from members of the public about how polite and well-behaved they were. And finally, 20 children from Years 2 to 6 went to Chichester Festival Theatre to watch a performance of ‘Fantastically Great Women who Changed the World’. These children were drawn out as prize winners from all those who completed our autumn term reading challenge. It is not small undertaking to plan an off-site trip for children, so great thanks must go to colleagues who prepare these adventures, and the many family adult volunteers who give up their time to support with supervision.