Well Done and Farewell Year 6
St Peter’s Year 6 class of 2018 really have stolen the show in their last week at the school. Well done to all the pupils for putting on a wonderful production of Annie in the penultimate week of term. Further great news was to come with the publication of the Year 6 SATs results, in which our current cohort performed exceptionally well, as detailed in the table below. We finished the school year by celebrating a very special Mass with Fr Jeremy to mark the end of St Peter’s for Year 6, followed by a cream tea provided by the Friends of St Peter’s.
On behalf of all the staff at St Peter’s, thank you for all of the good wishes, cards and gifts that have come into the school over the past several days. Our assembly on the last day of term gave us a chance to give our best wishes to departing staff, and celebrate many of the key achievements of the year. Award winners are pictured below.
May I wish all of you a happy, restful and safe summer holiday, and we look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 4 September at the usual start time of 8:50am.
Mr R Cunningham
Olympic Values Award – Callum, Year 6
Key Stage 1 “6C” Award – Johan, Year 2
Mrs Daley’s Reading Award – Jeffrey, Year 6
Sportswoman of the Year – Kaitlyn, Year 6
Sportsman of the Year – Lee, Year 6
Key Stage 2 “6C” Award – Hannah, Year 6
Sports Day House Shield winners – St John’s House, represented by Sophie and Tori, Year 6
St Peter’s YEAR 6 2017-2018 KS2 SATs | ||||||||||
Age Related Expectations.
Reading | GPAS
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling |
Maths | Writing (teacher assessed) | Combined R/W/M
Combined R/W/M
Greater Depth |
ARE | Greater Depth | ARE | Greater Depth | ARE | Greater Depth | ARE | Greater Depth | |||
ST PETER’S 2018 | 84% | 41% | 86% | 42% | 88% | 30% | 83% | 17% | 70% | 13% |
Hampshire 2018 | 78.4% | 31.5% | 78.7% | 33.1% | 78% | 24.6% | 81.8% | 24.1% | 67.8% | 11.9% |
National 2018 | 75% | 78% | 76% | 78% | 64% |
A glowing report
On Tuesday this week we received the final report of our Section 48 Validation, a process by which faith schools are assessed on the quality of their RE teaching and the spiritual and moral ethos of the school.
The opening line of the report sets the tone for the whole document,
St Peter’s is a school where the whole community explicitly strive to “walk hand in hand with God”. The mission statement, which is known and understood by all in the school community, plays a central part in the life of the school.
I must thank and praise all of the school staff who work so hard each day in educating the children in school. The full report can be read via the link below, and is worthy of sharing with friends and family to spread the word of what St Peter’s is all about.
Needless to say, I am exceptionally proud of the St Peter’s pupils, who are the greatest ambassadors of good behaviour and positive learning that a school could hope to have.
Mr R Cunningham