On Wednesday, part of the school’s EARA (equality and rights advocates) group took part in a Climate Unity Conference with other schools in Hampshire, under the guidance of Miss Sheppard. The conference was part of Hampshire’s Climate Unity Project, raising children’s awareness of global issues effecting the environment.
During the conference, the children discussed different environmental issues brought to them by Hampshire Wildlife Trust. They worked as a group to identify solutions to each issue and it was interesting to see the range of different solutions suggested by each school.
Next, they were introduced to the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, who ran a workshop on elephants. The children worked together using waste materials to create an enclosure to keep these animals from eating crops. Ideas the children encompassed in their models included: loud noises, fences, alternative food sources and other things to scare off the elephants.

Finally, the children had the exciting opportunity to use a program called Lyfta, where they were able to zone in on an area of Cornwall and a man carrying what looked like an Easter Island statue! After discussing their initial thoughts on what they saw, they then watched a video where the man was seen beachcombing and using what he found to make sculptures and artwork.
The conference generated lots of food for thought of how we can protect the environment locally and globally and the children look forward to actioning some of their ideas in the future.
Mr R Cunningham