2 messages from colleagues

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week 1st -7th February… so it’s the perfect time to be thinking about your mental health and your wellbeing.

In school we talk about wellbeing a lot and it’s such an important thing to take care of… just as important as your physical health. This last year has been really difficult for everyone and there have been so many changes for you all. You’ve all accepted and embraced them and done your absolute best and we are so proud of you all for that.

This year’s theme for Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Express Yourself’ so we want you to get creative and celebrate all the amazing things about yourselves. We are going to create a fabulous display outside the Pumpkin Room called ‘Reach for the Stars!’ but we need your help.

We would like you to do the following:

  • Draw around your hand and then cut it out.
  • On your cut out hand, write down some amazing things about yourself – your skills, strengths or talents, or amazing things you’ve done (e.g. some brilliant school work, helping your family,  learning a new skill, sending a gift to someone to cheer them up etc). Anything amazing that you’re proud of!
  • Decorate your hand and make it look beautiful!
  • Take a photo of it and send it to us at: l.byrne@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk

We look forward to seeing all of your amazing creations!

Best Wishes

Mrs Byrne and Mrs Chapman, St Peter’s ELSA* Team
(*Emotional Literacy Support Assistants)

For more information about Children’s Mental Health Week, please visit: Parents and Carers – Children’s Mental Health Week 2021



Remote learning

Please remember if your child is in Key Stage 1 they should be aiming for 3 hours remote learning each day and if your child is in Key Stage 2 the expectation is around 4 hours. This time frame reflects the amount of time pupils spend learning in class each day and so it is important that your child does not go over this daily recommendation as given by the Department for Education.
There is no expectation that pupils must complete every task and activity set.
If your child is finding some of the work too challenging then they should access the support resources that your child’s teacher will have provided. Please do not worry if your child does not complete all of the activities for a given lesson; they can always come back to that same activity the following day. It is important that your child works at an appropriate pace for them on the tasks set, even if this means they do not get to the end of that lesson. Children will find the process and practice of learning at home very different, so taking a measured approach to the amount of time they spend on a task will be important for their well-being and happiness. Spending time really understanding and practising a new skill is just as important, and prioritising dedicated reading time each day (from a page not a screen) is a great way of reinforcing learning and reducing anxiety. A simple timetable for each day will also help save pupils from spending too long on one subject. When it gets to the end of your set time for a particular lesson, make sure your child stops (even if they have not finished all tasks) and has a break before moving on to the next subject. Please encourage your child to join the live teacher sessions each day where the class teacher will clearly explain the learning for that day and answer any individual questions your child may have, as well as providing pastoral contact.

Mr Crozier                                                                       Mrs Knight
Deputy Headteacher                                                     Assistant Headteacher

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