The end of the school year is within sight, but not quite yet within reach! Today we had our full transition day for Years 1 to 6 for September 2019, whilst our current Year 6 pupils who will go to Oaklands had a full day as Year 7 pupils ‘over the fence’. Every vacuum needs to be filled, and consequently we have completed the taster and family induction sessions for our future Reception Year pupils. It was interesting to note that there were more tears from the children when they did not want to leave at the end of the Year R taster sessions, than when they arrived and were dropped off by mums and dads at the start! Great to see such a confident group of children ready to join us at St Peter’s.
Over the next week, please remind your children, as we will in school, to look for lost property, take home lunch boxes and water bottle, and be ready to bring PE kits home for a good wash. When we start the summer holidays, any un-named lost property will be disposed of, so time is of the essence if families want to look for items that have been left in school over recent weeks or months.
Mr R Cunningham