So we reach the end of the second term at St Peter’s for the 2016-2017 academic year. Once again in recent weeks, St Peter’s has risen to the challenge of raising funds for good causes. With their penny-based efforts, the children have raised over £250 to send to Cafod’s Little Fish into Big Fish Lent campaign, and the school staff have donated over £140 to the Diocesan Bamenda appeal to enable schools fees for 7 children to be paid for a year in our sister Diocese in Cameroon (see my blog from 3rd March 2017).
Meanwhile, the Friends of St Peter’s are delighted to announce that the Easter Eggstravaganza raised an incredible £1,160 for school project funds. I must express an enormous thanks to all of the families who volunteered and gave of their time and energy so willingly in all that went into organising the event. The travelling book fair was able to raise £255 in commission which has been spent on new library resources, so thank you to Mrs Moore and volunteers for organising the sales.
And finally, on the last day of term the school was able to officially donate to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance a cheque for over £790 raised in our December fundraising sponsored run (see my blog from 9th December 2016). The Air Ambulance team delivered a great assembly for the whole school, hosted a special Q&A session for Year 6 with two of the specially trained Air Ambulance medics, and then treated Years R and 1 pupils to an action packed and super informative ‘Be a 999 hero!’ session to teach them about how to get help in an emergency.
Of course, this week in school we have continued with the children’s Lenten journey, with Stations of the Cross for all children. The pupils in Key Stage 2 followed a route around the school grounds to reflect upon the different Stations of Christ’s Passion, whilst Key Stage 1 and Early Years pupils had a reflective service to focus on Christ’s ultimate sacrifice and act of love for all mankind.
So it only remains for me to wish you all a restful, holy and happy Easter, and below you will find a reminder of the services over Easter for our two local parishes
Mr R Cunningham
Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Peter the Apostle, Waterlooville
Thursday 13 April
8.00pm Maundy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Friday 14 April
10.00am Good Friday Stations of the Cross for parents and children
11.15am Ecumenical Procession of Witness begins at Sacred Heart
3.00pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
7.30pm Prayers around the Cross (informal service of readings)
Saturday 15 April
8.00pm Easter Saturday Vigil
Sunday 16 April
8.30am Easter Sunday Mass
10.30am Easter Sunday Mass
St. Edmund’s, Horndean
Thursday 13 April
4.00pm Children’s Stations of the Cross
7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by Adoration
10.00pm Night prayer and watch until 12.00 midnight
Friday 14 April
10.00am Good Friday, Churches Together Walk of Witness from Blendworth Methodist Church
3.00pm Good Friday Liturgy of the Passion
Saturday 15 April
7.00pm or Sunset, The Easter Vigil
Sunday 16 April
8.30am Easter Sunday Mass
10.30am Easter Sunday Mass