Okay, so I have to admit that Christmas is on its way, and nowhere more so than here at St Peter’s. As I have worked in my office this week, I have heard the regular rehearsals in the hall of Year R singing away for their nativity play called ‘Christmas with the Aliens’ and Year 1 and 2 belting out the songs for their nativity performance ‘Christmas Counts’. These are special events which live long in the memory of the children and their families alike, so if you are fortunate enough to be able to come to see any of the performances, prepare to be dazzled. As I mentioned in a much earlier blog, I am conscious that not everyone is able to attend such performances due to work commitments, but remember that you do support your children wonderfully well by the preparation and encouragement you give in providing costumes, rehearsing lines, and listening to song practices again, and again, and again!
Not to be left out, our Key Stage 2 children have their Carol Service on Tuesday evening 6th December at 6:00pm at Sacred Heart Church. I took the decision to use the parish church so that we had a space big enough to host a large number of people in one go and in quite some comfort. Although this is principally an event for Key Stage 2 children and their families, please do not feel that younger siblings need to stay away, we just did not want to make families feel obliged to keep littler ones up if they are starting to tire at the end of term having done their own performances in the daytimes. Everyone will be warmly welcomed, and having heard the music rehearsals today from my office, it is sure to set the right mood of anticipation and joy for the season of Advent.
The St Peter’s community will also take the opportunity of the school Advent service on Tuesday to bid a proper and thankful farewell to Fr Kevin Bidgood, as he will be moving to St Francis’ Parish in Ascot in the New Year. We are all grateful for the faith, prayer and joy that he has brought into our school during his time as Parish Priest in Waterlooville. We wish him well in his new parish, and look forward to some good tips for Royal Ascot in June!
Mr R Cunningham