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Water into wine (even in dry January)

All be it with smaller numbers, we have been able to start the spring term with some collective worships.  On Monday, Mr Crozier led a worship for Years 4 and 5 in which (with the help of food colouring – don’t worry!) he showed children the impact of turning water into wine.  Drawing from the actions of Mary the mother of Jesus, children were shown the power of asking, listening, believing and following our Lord.  On Tuesday, the pupils of Year R gathered for a Liturgy in which they let their little lights shine, and shared a story from Miss Heath, the Lay Chaplain at Oaklands.  Each of these celebrations mark yet another small step on our road to normality as a school and a Christian community – please remember St Peter’s in your prayers as we continue this journey.

Mr R Cunningham

Out and about

It has been a busy week for school trips this week at St Peter’s.  The Year 5 classes went to Winchester Science Museum as an introduction to their science topic of space, taking the opportunity whilst there to explore other topics of scientific interest.  Our youngest learners in the Reception Year also went boldly forward by taking their first group trip to Waterlooville Library.  As they walked from school into town, they received many compliments from members of the public about how polite and well-behaved they were.  And finally, 20 children from Years 2 to 6 went to Chichester Festival Theatre to watch a performance of ‘Fantastically Great Women who Changed the World’.  These children were drawn out as prize winners from all those who completed our autumn term reading challenge.  It is not small undertaking to plan an off-site trip for children, so great thanks must go to colleagues who prepare these adventures, and the many family adult volunteers who give up their time to support with supervision.

Welcome back from all at St Peter’s

Happy Christmas

From all of the pupils and staff at St Peter’s, gathered here for our outdoor carol service, we wish you a very Happy Christmas.

Mr R Cunningham

Romero Award success

There was cause for celebration and congratulations at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School this week as we were officially awarded the Developer Level (level 2 of 3) of the Romero Award.  The Oscar Romero Award supports schools in realising and living the unique calling of a Catholic school to empower young people, and all who work in the school, to become true agents of the change they want to see in the world by putting their faith into action.  Young people have a very strong sense of justice and fairness, and are constantly seeking to be supported and encouraged in their effort to bring about a fairer society that recognises the human rights of all.  St Peter’s is only the 4th school nationally to achieve Developer Level of the Romero Award, with the school’s work in making Catholic Social Teaching explicit and recognisable being highly commended by the validators.  Thanks go to all the pupils and staff at St Peter’s, and especially Mrs Pike who led our award project, for their effort towards this achievement over time.

Mr R Cunningham


Advent Rainbow

What a lovely greeting to a rainy morning gate duty on Wednesday 1st December.


Mr R Cunningham

The Advent Service returns

It was with great joy that we were able to return to one of our parish churches this week to celebrate an Advent Service on Tuesday 30th November.  The last time we were able to do this at Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle was in 2019, so after a 2-year gap there was much excitement.  All of the pupils in Key Stage 2 (aged 7 to 11) walked from school to church for a peaceful reflection on the true meaning of the season of Advent, marking out the time of preparation and readiness as distinct from the subsequent season of Christmas.

Great thanks go to our Pupil Chaplains for leading the service, to Oaklands’ Lay Chaplain Miss Heath, and to St Peter’s colleagues Mrs Moore and Mrs Buckingham who lead our Pupil Chaplains.  In addition, thank you to the family volunteers who accompanied us on the walk to and from the church to keep the pupils safe and moving along. And if you want to know what a line of 240 children walking through Waterlooville looks like, look at this picture!

Mr R Cunningham

Red Wednesday

Here at St Peter’s our Vision Statement is “Walking hand in hand with God to make our world a better place”.

On Wednesday this week, St Peter’s gathered for class worship to reflect on how we can fully live out school this vision in the words of our mission statement (below) to use our gifts to make the world a better place.  Wednesday 24th November was Red Wednesday, inviting us to stand for faith and freedom for all people all around the world. This is when we can support the global Church and make our own choices to stand up for the rights of our sisters and brothers, no matter who they are or where they are from. We all deserve to be valued and respected, and we can all participate together to make this change.

At St Peter’s we work to live out the mission of our vision with a full Mission Statement of “Walking hand in hand with God, loving Him, loving each other and loving ourselves, doing the best with the gifts He gave us to make our world a better place”.

Mr R Cunningham

Advent and Christmas

As we prepare for the season of Advent and the celebration of Christmas, see below a list of events coming up over the final 3 weeks of term.  Sadly, we will not be able to host as many parents as carers to some of these events as we did in the past, but we will be able to do so more than was the case in December 2020.

Advent and Christmas services:

Tuesday 30 November, Years 3 – 6 Advent Service at Church.  10:00am (We will be asking for parent volunteer walkers between 9:00am and 12:00 midday.)

Thursday 2 December, EYFS Nativity 9:30am

Friday 3 December, EYFS Nativity 1:30pm

Tuesday 7 December, Year 2 Christmas Liturgy 10:00am and 1:30pm

Wednesday 8 December, Year 1 Nativity 1:30pm

Thursday 9 December, Year 1 Nativity 9:30am

Tuesday 14 December, St Peter’s Carol Service at Church, 6:30pm

Thursday 16 December, school pupils’ Christmas Liturgy.

Christmas events:

Friday 10 December, Christmas Jumper Day* 

Friday 10 December, Year 3 & 4 Friends of St Peter’s Party 4:30pm – 6:00pm

Friday 10 December, Year 5 & 6 Friends of St Peter’s Party 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Saturday 11 December, Years R, 1 & 2 Friends of St Peter’s ‘Breakfast with Santa’

Monday 13 December, EYFS and Key Stage 1 Christmas Lunch

Tuesday 14 December, Key Stage 2 Christmas Lunch

Wednesday 15th December, Panto performances

*Donations to ‘Love Christmas’ themed care packages – details to follow.

Mr R Cunningham

Cowplain Remembrance Window – Honouring our fallen 

St Peter’s Catholic Primary School supported our local Coop Funeralcare office with a wonderful Remembrance display.  Pupils from year 6 created the beautiful poppies that were cascading down the outside of the window.  Out of lots of small crosses the children also created a wonderful large cross, which looks so poignant and so effective.

During the Second World War Blitz, 930 people were killed in Portsmouth, 2,837 were injured and over 6,000 properties were destroyed.  The pupils decided that it would be a lovely idea to make memory stones for each person that lost their life in Portsmouth during the Blitz.  They painstakingly painted 930 stones and on Wednesday 10th at 11.00 o’clock a group of 10 pupils handed out their memory stones to the community in Cowplain.

Also, some of the children wrote Remembrance poems, which were made into scrolls ready to hand out with their memory stones.  A selection of these were read out during the event.  Remembrance Day gives people the chance to remember those who fought and lost their lives during the war and to honour their memory.  It makes sure that we never forget the past, and those who died didn’t die in vain.  With fewer and fewer living survivors, it’s even more important than ever to remember the sacrifices these people made for our freedom.  Teaching our children about the importance of Remembrance Day will keep the memories of these brave individuals alive now and in the future. 

I would like to personally thank Mrs Pearson, St Peter’s art teacher, and Mrs Jackie Duthie at the Coop Funeralcare Cowplain, for all their hard work and support in organising and creating such a wonderful display.

Mr R Cunningham