Carnival time

Well done to all of the pupils at St Peter’s for an amazing carnival this afternoon.  Our whole school celebration was the culmination of brilliant curriculum learning by staff, amazing art by Mrs Pearson, and the support of all you families for supplying costumes of every colour of the rainbow and more.  Special thanks go to Mrs Edge, our Geography lead, for coordinating the learning and carnival.

We were able to hold our carnival as it was an outdoor event, and we kept each year group bubble separate as you can see from this photo.  It is a great shame that we were not able to host families for this event, so do please look at the Year group blogs to see more detailed news and pictures from Mexico (Year R), Antarctica (Year 1), Kenya (Year 2), China (Year 3), Australia (Year 4), India (Year 5), and Brazil (Year 6).

Mr R Cunningham

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