The summer term starts here!

Welcome back to St Peter’s for the summer term 2021.

The gradual return to something approaching normality continued this week with pupils at St Peter’s returning to Year Group assemblies.  Indeed, for our youngest children in the Reception Year, Monday was their first experience of an assembly, led by Assistant Headteacher Mrs Knight.  The theme for the Year R assembly, aligning both Laudato Si (May 2015) and Earth Day (22 April), was care for our natural environment, concluding with the following prayer:

Dear God, thank you for this beautiful planet.  

Bless it and keep it safe from harm.  

We pray for the protection of the animals, the soil, the air and the water.  

May we care for all you have made.  

Help us to love the Earth just like you love us.  

We pray in Jesus’ name.  


Children in Years 1 to 3 had their assemblies on Friday 23 April, so naturally inspiration was drawn from St George’s Day.  Even though legends surrounding St George vary considerably, the common theme of the assembly was one of selfless service and helping others, which of course wove in the example of the late Duke of Edinburgh.  Next week, assemblies will return for pupils in Years 4 and 5, where the theme will be music.  These will include a mini-concert from the Hampshire Music Service, as we look to involve more children in learning to play musical instruments.  Pupils in Year 6 will have a Friday assembly on the importance of consequences from actions, as they begin their last term as pupils at St Peter’s before moving on to secondary school in September.

Mr R Cunningham

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