In the first two weeks of term, I have been very impressed with the enthusiasm shown by two year groups in particular who have immersed themselves in the history of our wider Hampshire area. Year 2 visited the Sea City Museum in Southampton to investigate RMS Titanic’s fateful maiden voyage, and then deepened their learning with a Titanic dressing-up day at the end of last week. It was great to have children in Edwardian garb reading prayers to the whole school as part of my Epiphany worship, and their topic learning has continued with the captivating picture book story of ‘Samson’s Titanic Journey’ by Lauren Graham. Meanwhile Year 6 spent a day at Beaulieu Museum with a focus not on the classic cars, or the beautifully derelict Cistercian Abbey, but the work done by the agents of the Special Operations Executive during their top secret spy training for World War Two. Of particular note was the promotion given to the brave women of the SOE who risked their lives on missions designed to, in the words of Churchill, ‘Set Europe ablaze!’ whilst under Nazi occupation. As ever, thanks goes to the staff who organise the trips, parents who volunteer to help, and of course the pupils who are excellent learning ambassadors for St Peter’s. And of course, I must thank my colleagues for giving me a decent ‘history fix’ to remind me of my old job in the week when I was appointed to the permanent post of Headteacher, but don’t worry, a whole school project on the significance of the ministry of Sir Robert Peel 1841 to 1846 won’t be rolled out just yet!
This week at the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Peter the Apostle in Waterlooville the parishioners said a final farewell to Father Kevin Bidgood (see previous blog of 2nd December 2016 for how St Peter’s expressed our thanks to Fr Kevin) and welcomed Monsignor Jeremy Garrett as the new parish priest. After the special Mass of transition on Tuesday evening I invited Fr Jeremy to come into St Peter’s as soon as he is able in the busy schedule of getting to grips with a new parish, and we look forward to making Fr Jeremy an integral part of our worshipping school community.
Finally, thank you for the many words of congratulations and encouragement that I have received in the playgrounds this week following my appointment to Headship.
Mr R Cunningham