Terrific topics

The start of the new term heralds the start of new topic learning in each year group at St Peter’s.  During the first half of the spring term, Year R children will be getting creepy crawly with mini-beasts, Year 1 children will be researching toys past and present, and Year 2 pupils will be taking ‘one small step’ as they learn about the moon landing of 1969.  In Key Stage 2, Year 3 are trekking off to the rain forests for their topic work, Year 4 are ‘island hopping’, and Year 6 are about to embark on adventurous activities with an assault on Mount Everest.  Finally, Year 5 are blasting off into space for their topic, which they launched with a trip to the Winchester Science Museum this week.  Thanks go to all the Year 5 staff and the parent helpers who made the trip possible in the first week of a new term.  Take time over the coming weeks to speak to your children about their topic learning, and visit year group blogs, to get an insight into the broad curriculum on offer here at St Peter’s.

Mr R Cunningham

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