This place is full of dummies!

On Wednesday this week St Peter’s hosted a team of nurses and paramedics to teach children in Key Stage 2 how to perform CPR correctly (using manikins), how to put somebody in to the recovery position, and what to do in an emergency.  This event was part of the Re-start a Heart campaign, the learning programme for the children being ‘Call, Push, Rescue: How to save a life’.  It was a great opportunity to learn a valuable life skill, and thanks go to Mrs Pelling for organising the event.

Well done also to the pupils in class 5E who had a 2 night residential at The Sustainability Centre in Clanfield, though a slightly wetter stay than the other Year 5 class the week before.  Thanks go to Mrs Edge, Mrs Richardson, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lavery and Mrs Crozier for staying away with the children to give them a great and memorable experience.

Mr R Cunningham

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