Back in the full routine

It’s now all systems go at St Peter’s as we round off the second week of the autumn term.  The pupils in Year R have moved from stay and play and half-day sessions to completing whole days in ‘big school’.  They have all done very well, and I look forward to meeting them as they rapidly become valued members of the St Peter’s community.  Extra-curricular activities are well underway, with football on a Wednesday afternoon, Performance on a Thursday afternoon and Bounce Fit on a Tuesday afternoon to name but three activities.  Over the coming week more staff-led extra-curricular clubs will become available as colleagues complete welcome meetings and offer children lunchtime or after schools enrichment opportunities.  Small group music lessons have begun again, with recorder, keyboard, flute and guitar being ever popular, and Hampshire’s ‘Rock to the Beat’ club running on a Monday after school.  Any families interested in their child taking up instrument tuition should contact the school office for details.

And all of these activities take place around a busy school day with a packed curriculum and vibrant break and lunch times – is it any wonder our children come home exhausted and hungry at the end of each day!

Mr R Cunningham

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