A new school year

Welcome back to all the pupils and families of St Peter’s for the start of the school year 2023-2024.

A special welcome goes to those who are joining us from other schools, and to our new intake of Early Years children who are starting in Reception.

In this coming year, we will be having a special focus on our school vision, “Walking hand in hand with God to make our world a better place”, and how that is central to the behaviours that we see in our Learning Circle.  Special assemblies each fortnight will focus on each of the Learning Circle behaviours across the school year, with a chance to celebrate how well the children are able to live out our school vision through demonstrating these behaviours.


Our school vision extends to a full mission statement,

“Walking hand in hand with God, loving Him, loving ourselves and loving each other, doing our best with the gifts he gave us to make our world a better place”.

I look forward to the children developing their God-given gifts in this coming school year, and working together as a community to take St Peter’s from strength to strength.

Mr R Cunningham

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