Charity begins at school

St Peter’s has been able to keep up its commitment to charitable acts as 2022 has progressed into 2023.  Before Christmas, our school Carol Service collected £306 which was donated to the Waterlooville Food Bank in supplement to the festive food treats the pupils brought into school.  The school staff also made use of one of the autumn training days to hold a MacMillan coffee morning which raised £84 for cancer support.  At the moment, in marking the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, the school is again collecting essential items to go to those people displaced by the conflict in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.  If any family wanted to add to the stock before it is given to Stella’s Voice for transportation from the UK, we would gratefully receive donations of any of the following items (when we return to school on Monday 20 February after the half-term holiday!):

Toothpaste and toothbrushes 

Bars of soap, shampoo and shower gel 

Nappies, pull-ups and baby wipes 

Sanitary pads, face cloths, disinfectant sprays or wipes 

Disposable masks, combs and hairbrushes

With great thanks for any donations you may be able to provide, and wishing you all a restful and enjoyable half-term holiday

Mr R Cunningham

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