Hampshire Day

Happy Hampshire Day, and also Happy Saint Swithun’s Day, on this 15th July 2022.

St. Swithun’s Day is a day on which, according to folklore, the weather for a subsequent period is dictated. In popular belief, if it rains on St. Swithun’s Day, it will rain for 40 days, but if it is fair, 40 days of fair weather will follow.  Well, in this current heatwave, I think we’d all welcome 40 days of rain!

Pictured here is the Hampshire flag, which was gifted to St Peter’s by Mrs Cairns on the occasion of her retirement in April 2022 after 25 years of service to the school.  It will be flown annually each 15th July, just as we fly the flags of the home nations on their patronal feast days each year.

Mr R Cunningham

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