The summer term at St Peter’s started at full speed ahead, which as Year 2 found out in their visit to the Sea City museum in Southampton was the same rate as the Titanic when it struck the iceberg. This year group led the first school trip of the term as part of their depth study into that fateful vessel. Meanwhile, Year 5 pupils have hosted specialist visitors as part of their country depth study of India, and have taken part in Indian dance and drumming, as well as Indian art on pottery. Not to be outdone, Year 4 pupils had a visit from a real-life Viking, Tyrson War-Bear, who brought to life their deep learning day into whether the Vikings were traders or raiders, before designing and making models of their own Viking longboats. Now wonder we all needed a long weekend after just one week back at school! Thank you to all the St Peter’s staff who have made these rich learning experiences possible.
On top of all of this, we were able to host in the usual way families from Year 1 to join in a collective worship Liturgy. Fr Jeremy joined us and it really did feel like a big step on the road to Covid recovery for the school. Let’s hope it’s the first step of many.
Please do look at individual class blogs and the RE blog to see in more details what is happening across our school community.
Mr R Cunningham