We are delighted to be able to start 2025 with news that St Peter’s Catholic Primary School raised £1195.07 for the Meerkat Service at the Rowans Hospice.
The Child Bereavement Support service (known as Rowans Meerkat Service), offers specialist emotional support to children and young people who have a significant adult (such as a parent or grandparent), with a life-limiting illness or, who have been bereaved of an adult close to them. Specially trained staff at the Meerkat Service work alongside families with children up to the age of 18. The money was raised from selling programmes and accepting donations at our Nativity Plays in December staged by Years R, 1 and 2, and then from a retiring collection at our school Carol Service at Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle Church.
Thank you to all linked to the St Peter’s community who donated to our Christmas fundraising campaign. Please continue to keep the pupils, staff and families of St Peter’s in your prayers over this coming year.
Mr R Cunningham