At the beginning of each October, World Teachers Day is a chance to recognise the incredible work done by teachers in all of our schools. At St Peter’s, and right from the very start of my Headship, I have made clear that every adult who works in the school is a teacher, regardless of their official job title. We hold the view that all adults have something to teach children when they are working together in our school, just as all adults at St Peter’s recognise that children can themselves teach us and each other lots about the wonderful world in which they live.

To mark World Teachers Day, local facilities management company Citrus Services kindly offered to St Peter’s a selection of sweet treats and fruit for the staff room, and £100 in Amazon vouchers to spend on a staff wellbeing item which can be put to shared use for all colleagues in the staff room. Thank you to Coralee from Citrus Services for visiting St Peter’s and donating these kind and much appreciated gifts.
Mr R Cunningham