Diamond Celebration at Church
On Sunday 20 October, a School Uniform Mass was held at Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle to recognise the work done by all schools within our Pastoral Area and as a way of recognising Education Sunday. Well over 50 pupils and students ranging from Year R to Year 11 attended Mass in their school uniforms to represent their schools, both Catholic and non-Catholic, in our parishes. It was a particularly special event as for St Peter’s as it formed part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations for the school. The parish was kind enough to provide a cake to add to the celebration, with myself and Chair of Governors Liz Holford shown here on cake-cutting duties.

Mr R Cunningham
World Teachers Day
At the beginning of each October, World Teachers Day is a chance to recognise the incredible work done by teachers in all of our schools. At St Peter’s, and right from the very start of my Headship, I have made clear that every adult who works in the school is a teacher, regardless of their official job title. We hold the view that all adults have something to teach children when they are working together in our school, just as all adults at St Peter’s recognise that children can themselves teach us and each other lots about the wonderful world in which they live.

To mark World Teachers Day, local facilities management company Citrus Services kindly offered to St Peter’s a selection of sweet treats and fruit for the staff room, and £100 in Amazon vouchers to spend on a staff wellbeing item which can be put to shared use for all colleagues in the staff room. Thank you to Coralee from Citrus Services for visiting St Peter’s and donating these kind and much appreciated gifts.
Mr R Cunningham
Open Events 2024
Thursday 17th October 2024: 9.30 – 11.00am
Tuesday 22nd October 2024: 1.15 – 2.45pm
Wednesday 6th November 2024: 9.30 – 11.00am
Monday 11th November 2024: 1.15 – 2.45pm
Wednesday 13th November 2024: 6.00 – 7.30pm
To book into one of our Open Events, please email d.champion@stpeterswaterlooville.hants.sch.uk or call 02392 262599. Please arrive for the start time of the events listed above for a presentation by the Headteacher Mr Cunningham before a guided tour of the school.
Well done to the pupils of St Peter’s who raised £349 for CAFOD during the recent Harvest Family Fast Day by coming into school in their own clothes with the theme of “Wear it bright!”. The school was a riot of colour, and the children included in their learning plenty about how CAFOD helps the poorest and most vulnerable around the world. Thank you to all the families of the school community who gave their support to this fundraising initiative.
Mr R Cunningham
Having our cake and eating it!
The staff at St Peter’s raised over £190.00 by hosting a MacMillan coffee morning at the end of September.

Taking a break from a very intense Inset Day, colleagues joined together for some lovely treats, all served on the best china, to donate money to a great cause that gives incredible support to all those affected by cancer. The cakes and crockery were provided by www.anenglishtearoom.com .
Mr R Cunningham