Feast Day
The month of June was rounded off with a celebration of Mass for pupils in the whole school from Years R to 6 to mark the Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul, the former of course being the patron saint of our school. It is no mean feat to gather over 400 pupils and 50 staff to celebrate Mass in a primary school hall, but this annual event is a key part of our faith, our ethos and our community. No such celebration would be complete without a treat, so it was ice creams for all at lunch time – much needed on such a hot June day. Thank you to both Fr Jeremy and Fr James for celebrating Mass for us at school.
Mr R Cunningham
Annual Diocesan Schools Mass
Pupils from St Peter’s joined hundreds of other young people from many of the 70 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Portsmouth for the annual Schools Mass this week. Celebrated on the Feast Day of St Anthony of Padua, Bishop Phillip’s homily focused on the strength of faith in this patron saint of the recovery of lost items.

Each school brought their banner to take part in a procession and display to encompass the whole of the Diocese in a great display in the presence of Bishop Philip and Canon P J Smith, the Episcopal Vicar for Education.

Pupils also presented posters on the theme of ‘Actions speak louder than words’, showing the works of faith in action that take place throughout the schools in our Diocese. I was joined in the great celebration by Mrs Moore and Mrs Richardson, pictured below in the Cathedral with our pupil chaplains.

Mr R Cunningham
The last lap is the longest
And in the blink of an eye, the second half of the summer term is underway. Or, to put it differently, the final 7 weeks of this school year are now upon us! A range of our pupils went through national statutory tests in May, and others continue to do so in June, all well prepared academically and pastorally by wonderful St Peter’s staff. The summer term in June and July brings with it usual and unusual events – this year we will have our usual Sports Days, SummerFest, St Peters and St Paul Feast Day celebrations, Year 4 camping on the school field and Year 6 presenting their end of year show The Wizard of Oz (Youth Edition), as well as the less usual events such as marking our school’s 60th Jubilee, the Football Euros, the Paris Olympics and giving pupils an insight into the democratic process through education around the General Election.
Of course, the first week of this half-term began with learning events to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings on the beaches of Normandy. Each class in school took part in age-appropriate learning about the significance of this major event (please don’t believe the media when they say such topics are not taught in school), with Year 4 in particular going deeper. The Year 4 History topic for this half term is to investigate and assess the role that Portsmouth played in changing the course of the Second World War in Europe, and they received a more detailed presentation on the global and historical context of D-Day. This included a presentation by me, reprising my former role as a History teacher!
We are also pleased to let you know that working in partnership with Hampshire Design Studios we have produced a commemorative tea towel that all the children have worked on in school. The tea towels have been produced in recognition of St Peter’s 60th Jubilee this year and should provide a nice memento for all families of their child being at St Peter’s in our 60th year.
The tea towels are available to purchase through the below website link at £4.99 each, along with a whole range of jubilee merchandise available to buy. All funds raised through the purchase of merchandise and tea towels go directly back towards school resources, so you are supporting school with any purchases made.
St Peter’s 60th Jubilee Merchandise Shop
We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to sharing Jubilee celebrations with you over the coming weeks.
A busy few weeks ahead then – watch this space for updates!
Mr R Cunningham
An unexpected visitor
An unexpected visitor dropped into St Peter’s this afternoon in the form of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance.

We are led to believe that an emergency incident took place in the locality, but we have no further information about this. However, in searching for a spot to land at about 2:20pm on Tuesday 4 June, St Peter’s school field was the most convenient place. Because the emergency was off site, two paramedics set out on foot to attend, and the pilot waited with the helicopter. In conversation, he invited pupils to come out to look at the aircraft as an impromptu learning opportunity about our incredible emergency response services. Many classes were able to see the helicopter up close before we had to close off the field for the end of the day collection time. However, once clearance was given, at 3:18pm the helicopter took off to fly back to base, meaning hundreds of children had a chance to see it take flight!
As stated, we do not know any details about the emergency that took place in the local area away from the school site, however we hope and pray that all involved are now safe and well. We give thanks for the incredible work done by all who work as first responders in our emergency services, who work in accident and emergency hospital care, and those who work in longer term medical treatment and recovery.
Mr R Cunningham