Tag Rugby Triumph!

Congratulations to our two Tag Rugby teams who took part in an area schools tournament hosted by Oaklands this week. Well done to all the players who have taken up Tag Rugby with Mr Crozier this year, and to those pupils who were part of the tournament winning team!
Mr R Cunningham
Charity begins at home … and school
The pupils at St Peter’s continue to think of those less fortunate than themselves. As well as a curriculum which educates children on the circumstances and challenges of people around the world, each week at whole school worship prayers written by pupils are read out asking for help and fortitude for those in need. Furthermore, the pupils are always keen to take part in fundraising events to offer financial support to charities where they can. Already in 2024 the Year 5 pupils raised over £1200 for Simon Says, the children’s bereavement counselling service, by doing a sponsored swim at the end of their series of swimming lessons in school. During Lent the whole school took part in 10 days of daily mile walking as part of CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk 2024 campaign, both walking in solidarity with children living in the developing world, and raising much needed funds for international aid. Looking further back, Year R and Year 1 raised £120 for Sophie’s Legacy, a charity supporting families with children in hospital, but selling programmes for their Nativity plays. It is great to know that the children and young people in our schools have charity and benevolence at the heart of so much that they do, and we would that you continue to remember them and the school communities of which they are a part in your regular prayers.
Mr R Cunningham