Our Monday worship on 5 February took all three readings from the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Typically, our whole school worships tend to focus solely on the Sunday Gospel, but last week was an exception. The pupils were given a brief account of Job’s life, focusing on his unhappiness when faced with misfortune, before moving onto Mark’s Gospel where Jesus makes better Simon’s mother-in-law. The perplexing point for the children was that although Jesus had made many people better that day, and so took them out of unhappiness like Job, Jesus decided to move on to preach in other towns of Galilee. And, when reading St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians in the Second Reading, it is this preaching of the Good News that he feels obliged to do with no option but to share the joy.

The children were then reminded that when facing challenges like Job, they can put their faith in the Lord for comfort and strength, before going on to spread the Good News of God’s love like St Paul. (Please note, all this was achieved with 430 children aged 4 to 11 in a Monday morning worship by 9:25 am – quite a start to the week!).
We at St Peter’s are now all ready for a well-earned half-term break.
Mr R Cunningham