After the busy schedule of December and all that the season of Advent brings to a primary school, the start of January has seen us settle back into a calmer school life. Part of this return to ‘Ordinary Time’ in the second half of the month has been the return to Liturgies and Masses at school rather than Nativity Plays and Carols Services.
Pictured here is Fr James Lewis celebrating Mass with Years 3 and 4 and their families this week in school.

Fr James admitted to the pupils that Priests aren’t perfect (no mention was made of Headteachers at this point in his homily though) and that on occasions we admit that there are some people we like less than others, choosing instead to spend more time with those we do have common interests with. Using the example of the Good Samaritan, Fr James encouraged us all to try to spend a little more time with those of whom we may be less fond, learning about them and learning to love them as a way of living a Christian life.
Last week the pupils in Year R celebrated their first Year Group Liturgy with Fr Jeremy. A theme of Creation saw the 4 and 5 year old children retell the story of Creation in words and pictures, with a live piece of artwork created by the children during the Gospel reading. As always, my thanks go to Mrs Semple, Oaklands’ Lay Chaplain, for preparing our worships, to Fr Jeremy and James for celebrating with us, and to the families who join us in school as part of the St Peter’s community.
Mr R Cunningham