Pupils from Years 4, 5 and 6 who live in and around Waterlooville were involved in a consultation exercise this week looking at the major redevelopment of the town centre. The children were asked to give their ideas on transport, access and activities in the Waterlooville, and what they may like to see for their home town in the coming years.

Well done to all the pupils involved for giving such insightful and creative ideas to the development plan. For more information on the project, see here: Waterlooville Town Centre Masterplan | Havant Borough Council The latest phase of the engagement – the Waterlooville Town Centre Festival of Ideas – is taking place between Monday 22 January and Thursday 25 January. Based in the vacant ‘GAME’ unit on the main precinct, this event aims to bring together all those with an interest in the town centre to collaboratively explore and shape the future for the area. You can register your place at the Festival of Ideas here and find out more information about the Waterlooville Town Centre Masterplan.
Mr R Cunningham