Monthly Archives: October, 2023

Nights away

It’s all out and about overnight at St Peter’s at the moment, as a range of pupils embark on residential visits.  The Year 5 classes are each spending 2 nights at the Sustainability Centre in Clanfield. As part of this trip, they learn about sustainable farming, water and energy use, and take part in a range of outdoor games, challenges and activities.  The pupils in Year 5, meanwhile, have spent a whole week away at Fairthorne Manor in Botley, an outward bounds centre run by the YMCA provides children with challenging activities to stretch mind and body.  These include climbing, abseiling, kayaking, paddle boarding, orienteering and, of course, a final night camp fire and singalong!

None of these trips are possible without the great commitment and support given by staff who spend time away from their own families and homes to give children these overnight experiences lasting between 3 and 5 days. That is why these trips are also planned to take place in the run-up to a half-term break, allowing time for people to catch up on sleep and lough through the muddy laundry that the children inevitable bring home with them.

Mr R Cunningham

Putting the fun into fundraising

We’ve had a flurry of fundraising recently, which the St Peter’s community showing its usual generosity.  The pupils raised £330 for CAFOD on 6 October with their “Wear it Bright” non-uniform day, and on that same afternoon a team of Year 6 children raised £194 for the Rowans Hospice with a cake sale.  Not to be left out, the St Peter’s staff used our recent Inset day on 29 September to have our annual Macmillan Cancer Support coffee morning, raising £99 in donations for cakes and treats that colleagues brought in.

In the coming days, the Royal British Legion will launch its annual Poppy Appeal.  By coincidence this week, we received a thank you card from the local RBL branch for the £435 that St Peter’s pupils raised during the 2022 Poppy Appeal.

Even with tough financial times faced by many in our communities, such support for a variety of causes is greatly appreciated, and a testament to the generosity of the St Peter’s families, pupils and staff.

Thank you all very much

Mr R Cunningham

Local area field work

Our Year 4 classes had a wonderful trip to Gunwharf and Old Portsmouth for a combined History and Geography deep learning day.

Great activities were undertaken inspecting vessels at the Historic Dockyard …

… testing compass skills on Spice Island …

… and stepping back in time at the Garrison Church.


Thank you to the staff and volunteers who made these trips happen.

Mr R Cunningham