A sporting summer

The onset of good weather and summer term 2 has enabled us to run our traditional, and our once in a while, sporting events.

Fitting into the latter category, to coincide with the belated start of the Euro 2020 football tournament, St Peter’s hosted its very own Euro Football day.  In the Year 5-6 combined tournament, congratulations go to the England team that beat Germany in the final on penalties (first time for everything!), whilst Year 4 congratulations go to the Italy team who beat England.  The Year 3 final is still to take place (due to fixture congestion), but Germany will face Italy next week during the Key Stage 2 Sports day.  Great thanks go to Mr Land for organising the tournament, and to all the staff who refereed matches over the day.

And speaking of Sports Days, we were able to host this for Years R, 1 and 2 this week after a fallow year in 2020.  Our brilliant CM Sports staff (https://www.cm-sports.co.uk/) set up all the competitions, so the teaching staff were able to support and encourage our young sportspeople in place of families who were not able to attend due to current Covid restrictions.

Mr R Cunningham

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