A return to year group liturgies

These past 2 weeks at St Peter’s have seen the welcome return of year group liturgies.  Sadly, we are not yet able to host families to join in with our worships and celebrations, but we have been delighted to welcome our parish priests into school once again.  The Year 3 liturgy centred on Jesus’ commandment to love one another as He loves us. Pupils reflected on the importance of looking out for their friends, and how they can all be friends of Jesus, showing love for children near and far in God’s world.  Fr Jeremey brought the wonders of the world to life in his homily by showing children a collection of textiles and a multi-coloured stole made in different countries, and shared his favourite vestment which pictures children from every corner of the globe.

Year 2 meanwhile celebrated their liturgy with the theme of Pentecost, marking it as the birthday of the Church.  And, as with any birthday celebration, there were balloons, banners and party games during the liturgy, in this case pass the parcel.  As each layer was unwrapped, a different gift of the Holy Spirit was revealed and shared with the children.

What a joy to have this type of worship and celebration back in school once again, and we can’t wait for the day when we can host family guests to give praise with us.

Mr R Cunningham


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