It was a delight to be able to watch our Year R pupils perform their Nativity play this week, all be it under different circumstances this year. The children did 2 performances, and for each we were able to invite one other year group to be the audience. It was strange to see the Year R children performing on the stage at one end of the hall, and pupils from Year 1 and then Year 3 seated at the opposite end of the hall with a 6m gulf between performers and audience, but the show must go on. The second show was recorded, and that will be available for Year R parents to view on-line in due course. Thanks go as ever to the staff who prepared the Nativity play and the families who provided costumes, and of course well done to the children of the Reception classes for staging such a heart warming show.
The week ended with STEM day for the children, so check out class blogs for images and reports of the Science and Technology investigations that the pupils undertook.
And finally, thank you for all the cans of food that came into school for Christmas jumper day NEXT Friday 11th December – we will continue to take donations over the course of next week and add them to the Christmas tree after an appropriate time.
Mr R Cunningham