During their RE lessons recently, pupils in Year 3 have been thinking about what they would take with them were Jesus to appear before them and ask them to follow Him. One pupil decided they would pick up their house keys so that they could always return home if they wanted. However, the child did then go on to explain to me how those who followed Jesus when He was here on earth left everything in order to take up His path, realising that they needed nothing to answer the call of the Lord. This week Year 1 celebrated their autumn Liturgy in ever more peculiar circumstances, as under the latest lockdown rules the school is sealed off even to parish priests and lay chaplains. The pupils led a beautiful liturgy on November and the month of Holy Souls, presenting their views of heaven which included clouds, rainbows and an awful lot of pets and animals. We held in our prayers all those loved ones who, whilst not in heaven, still feel far away from us during this latest period of Covid-induced separation.
Meanwhile, all pupils in the school observed a 2 minute silence at 11:00am on 11th November in honour of the fallen.
Year 2 marked the remembrance event in the prayer garden at the centre of the school.
Please don’t forget to share our promotional video with any families you know who may be looking for a school place in Reception Year in September 2020: https://youtu.be/VcBQmkaKxm4 Families of children aged 5 and above are also welcome to contact the school on 023 9226 2599 should they wish to join our waiting list for additional school places when they arise.
Mr R Cunningham