The Government guidance issued on 2nd July relating to the full re-opening of schools for the autumn term in 2020 was an eagerly anticipated document. Having read the material on the afternoon of its release, I was more reassured and optimistic about September opening to all pupils than the popular press and media may portray the education profession. Yes, there will be a lot of work to do over July and into August to prepare for all the pupils to be in school, but for St Peter’s this work will be building upon the existing and effective structures that we have in place already. Whilst I know that those year groups who have not been allowed back into school by the government have been left frustrated in June, we have with Years R, 1 and 6 plus key worker and vulnerable children operated 16 pods (or bubbles) of pupils in the school with staggered timings for all parts of the day. Our challenge is to adapt this success to full classes, full year groups and so the full school, all the time operating within the guidance given by the Department for Education. Over the coming weeks, when plans have been developed and put in place, I will send out fuller details to families about how St Peter’s will run from September onwards. Below is a list of the term dates for 2020/2021, which remain unchanged, as a reminder for your family calendars.
It has been great to see pupils in Years 3 and 5 attend school this week for their “Keeping in Touch” meetings with teachers. The children arrived taller, more tanned and with longer hair than I remember, and colleagues reported that after a while in the meeting they simply had to sit back whilst the children chattered eagerly amongst themselves. Next week, it is the turn of children in Years 2 and 4 for their “Keeping in Touch” session with staff, and I am looking forward to welcoming them back to St Peter’s.
Mr R Cunningham
St Peter’s Catholic Primary School Term dates 2020 – 2021
Autumn Term
Thursday 3rd September 2020 to Friday 18th December 2020
NB: Pupils’ first day of the autumn term is Monday 7th September 2020
Year R transition and induction dates are different and will be communicated separately.
Half term holiday Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October 2020
Inset days this term (school closed to pupils):
Thursday 3rd September 2020
Friday 4th September 2020
Friday 2nd October 2020
Friday 18th December 2020
Spring term
Monday 4th January 2021 to Thursday 1st April 2021
Half term holiday Monday 15th February to Friday 19th February 2021
Inset day this term (school closed to pupils):
Friday 12th February 2021
Summer Term
Monday 19th April 2021 to Friday 23rd July 2021
NB: Pupils’ school day ends at 1:30pm on Friday 23rd July 2021.
There will be no after school club provision on Friday 23rd July 2021
Half term holiday Monday 31st May to Friday 4th June 2021
Bank Holiday school closure
Monday 3rd May 2021 (Early May Bank Holiday)
NB: St Peter’s term dates are aligned to those set out by Hampshire Local Authority.
St Peter’s term dates and Inset days will not necessarily be the same as other local secondary or primary schools.
Full attendance to the final teaching day of each term is expected by every pupil at St Peter’s.