Super STEM

Friday at St Peter’s saw a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, as we held the second of our three annual STEM days. Year 6 were bridging gaps with their own colossal designs, Year 5 used spaghetti (uncooked!) and marshmallows to make space shuttle launch towers, Year 4 built a range of global habitats and ecosystems, and Year 3 were testing different boat designs made of tin foil. In Key Stage 1, Year 2 pupils used their computing skills to do some re-design work for Google before producing information on bees and pollination, whilst Year 1 investigated what different animals ate by researching herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Finally, and not to be left out, Reception children followed recipe instructions to make their own cookies. Check out the class blogs over the coming days for reports and pictures of these stunning STEM studies.

Mr R Cunningham

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