A lesson in humanity

This week the pupils in Years 4, 5 and 6 were lucky enough to have a visit from an inspirational speaker by the name of Chris Lubbe.  His life began in the rural surroundings of Port St Johns, in the Eastern Cape of South Africa.  At high school, he discovered he had a gift for speaking, and led students in protest against the unjust system of ‘apartheid’. This action was to set him on a collision course with the ‘apartheid’ regime, and he has spent the rest of his life involved in the relentless struggle against discrimination.

When the ‘apartheid’ regime ended, Chris found himself by chance being selected as a body guard for Nelson Mandela by the great man himself.  In that role, he had the honour of meeting some of the greatest world leaders including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, President Bill Clinton, Her Majesty the Queen and Pope John Paul II.

His purpose now is to inspire positive change and to help others discover their own purpose in life. He believes that each of us has an in-built ability to make a positive contribution to the world, and works hard to imbue that in every group to which he speaks.  He shares his life story and the unique story of South Africa’s transition from ‘apartheid’ to a democracy. It is a story of determination and resilience which is a tribute to the thousands of South Africans who have gave their lives in the pursuit of freedom.  The key themes from his message are determination, courage, perseverance, persistence and the power of forgiveness, centring on the power of unconditional love and the true meaning of humanity, known as ‘Ubuntu’ in Zulu.

Mr R Cunningham

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