Testing times, put in perspective.

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers our pupils in Years 2 and 6 who have been working even harder than usual recently, as the children in each of these year groups are undertaking their SATs in May. The debates about the rights and wrongs of testing children in primary schools are endless and often frustrating, so instead let us focus on the pupils and their personal development. I know that the staff in both year groups have worked hard to help the children be as well prepared as possible for their transition to the next Key Stage in their education. Even without the tests, colleagues at St Peter’s give their all for each child, providing support, encouragement, challenge and inspiration for the pupils in their classes as they grow and flourish through the year groups. It is important to remember that whatever the results of a test, and however they are used to rate and rank a school, exam results do not change a school’s most precious commodity – the children themselves. Long before the papers are issued, we are all very proud of the effort, commitment and hard work that our pupils have put in this year, and we know that when the time comes for rest and relaxation these will be well deserved.

Mr R Cunningham

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