Woof Woof!

Well done to the pupils and staff in Year 4 for leading a unique fundraising enterprise.

The year group have been working on the importance of guide dog training to help people who are visually impaired or blind.  The staff team really brought this Citizenship project alive by arranging a visit from a guide dog in training called Indie.  A more relaxed pooch you may never have met, as Indie engaged really well with two classrooms full of excited children.

Inspired by the visit from Indie and the presentation given by his handlers and trainers, the pupils wanted to raise money to help with guide dog training.  They did this by organising a ‘Heads Up for Guide Dogs’ day.  The school community raised £200 by donating to wear something silly on their heads.

Well done to the Year 4 pupil and staff team, and thank you to everyone in the school for their support.

Mr R Cunningham


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