Monthly Archives: March, 2019

Half way through Lent

This weekend sees the Fourth Sunday of Lent, otherwise known as mid-Lent Sunday or Laetare Sunday, from the first words of the Introit Laetare Jerusalem (‘Rejoice, O Jerusalem’) from Isaiah 66:10. As Pope Innocent III said: “Today is the middle of Lent, so some relaxation ought to be provided, lest the faithful break down under the severity of their Lenten fasts”. To mark this juncture, we have arranged two special treats for the pupils. On Friday morning, children from the Drama Club performed ‘Every Panto That Ever There Was (in under 15 minutes)’, a showcase which took us on a whistle-stop tour of 18 pantomines in just a quarter of an hour!

To raise money for our Lenten alms giving, children will be coming to school on Monday dressed in their own clothes to raise money for CAFOD, with the theme of ‘Wear it Wacky’ as it coincides with April Fools’ Day!

It seems odd to be in the last week of the spring term just after the middle of Lent, but the children this coming week will all experience the Stations of the Cross. Year Groups R to 2 will have a Stations of the Cross service on Tuesday afternoon, then Year Groups 3 to 6 will take turns to visit the chapel at Oaklands Catholic School for their own reflections on Christ’s journey to Calvary.  Below are examples of work the children have been doing in RE as part of their learning on the season of Lent.

Mr R Cunningham


Woof Woof!

Well done to the pupils and staff in Year 4 for leading a unique fundraising enterprise.

The year group have been working on the importance of guide dog training to help people who are visually impaired or blind.  The staff team really brought this Citizenship project alive by arranging a visit from a guide dog in training called Indie.  A more relaxed pooch you may never have met, as Indie engaged really well with two classrooms full of excited children.

Inspired by the visit from Indie and the presentation given by his handlers and trainers, the pupils wanted to raise money to help with guide dog training.  They did this by organising a ‘Heads Up for Guide Dogs’ day.  The school community raised £200 by donating to wear something silly on their heads.

Well done to the Year 4 pupil and staff team, and thank you to everyone in the school for their support.

Mr R Cunningham


Happy St Patrick’s Day

Happy St Patrick’s Day from everyone at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School.

From the prayer of St Patrick

Christ shield me today
Against wounding
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in the eye that sees me,
Christ in the ear that hears me.
I arise today
Through the mighty strength
Of the Lord of creation.


Mr R Cunningham


The season of Lent

This week saw the start of Lent, with St Peter’s pupils taking part in an Ash Wednesday service.  Our Lenten theme for this year comes from the Old Testament book of Joel (2:12) ‘Yet even now, declares the Lord, return to me with all your heart’.

With Easter being a moveable feast, Ash Wednesday does not always fall on a school day; in 2018 Ash Wednesday was during the spring half term break. It was a wonderful occasion, therefore, to bring pupils from Years 2 to 6 together on the afternoon of Wednesday 6th March to share in a simple service of worship and reflection. Along with wonderful singing by the children, and readings and prayers led by Year 5 pupils, the classes listened to our lay chaplain Miss Keogh explain how God worries for each one of us, eternally keen for us to turn to him in trust, faith and worship.

The children in Years 1 and Reception had special classroom visits from Miss Keogh. She explained to the groups the meaning of Ash Wednesday, and was amazed at the amount of knowledge and understanding the children had on the event. Each child and adult in the school received ashes on their foreheads as a sign of penitence and humility.

Mr R Cunningham


Changes in the air

Progress on the new building continues apace.  Over half term, the walls were insulated and lined, then the brick slip was added to give a better external aesthetic.  We are still a good 2 weeks away from completion, but the suspended ceiling has been installed and internal electrical works are now underway.

To mark the patron saint day of each nation in the United Kingdom, we traditionally fly national flags on relevant date.  It was with some regret, however, that after last Saturday’s rugby result I had to hoist the Welsh dragon in our central courtyard to honour St David’s Day on 1st March.  Still, “Iechyd da!” to all proud Welsh men and women.

Friday 1st March 2019


Looking back to this time last year, though, the school courtyard had a very different look as the so-called Beast from the East was ravaging the country.

Friday 2nd March 2018

Mr R Cunningham
