At last … and now the wait

There was great excitement on Tuesday this week as a new building was installed at St Peter’s.  The project has been many years in the planning and fundraising, but at long last (with final delays caused by the snow that never came and the high winds that certainly did!) the building has arrived.  During the day each class spent time on the playground to watch the units being craned in from lorries and carefully positioned in place.

Over the next 4 weeks the building will be fitted out and brick clad, and will provide the school with an additional indoor open learning space, teacher office space and a kitchenette for pupils to do cooking.  This project is the result of a lot of much appreciated fundraising by families and the Friends of St Peter’s, and has been realised through the visions and commitment of the school governors, the financial support of the Diocese and the excellent project management of the school business manager Mrs Kate Philips.  Thank you to all families who changed their travel plans and means of accessing the site on the day to allow us not to worry about crane work and lorry movement.

A well-deserved half term rest now beckons for us all!

Mr R Cunningham

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