The value of volunteers

Many of you will by now have read the letter from Ofsted regarding the monitoring visit to St Peter’s in early November. The letter made many positive comments about the progress being made in the school against the areas for improvement identified in our last full inspection of September 2017. Late on in the letter, a paragraph makes reference to school governors, and their role in holding the school to account for improvements and outcomes in many different areas. The work of school governors is an invaluable way for schools to draw on the broad professional experience of a range of people in order to help the school deliver the best possible results, be they academic, pastoral or professional. The Chair of Governors, Mrs Liz Holdford, is always keen to respond to enquiries about the roles and responsibilities of being a school governor. It is a demanding but rewarding voluntary role to undertake, and governors do play a key role in the effective running of successful schools. As I near the second anniversary of my appointment to the Headship of St Peter’s, I must thank the governors for the professional support and constructive challenge that they have provided me, the leadership team and the school.

An equally essential volunteer group from which many schools, but especially St Peter’s, benefit is a parents’ association. Our PTA, known as the Friends of St Peter’s, provide vital support in organising and running school events to benefit pupils and families, all the while raising additional funds to boost the school budget when buying extra resources for the children’s benefit. The Friends of St Peter’s are a great team, and always work tirelessly for the good of the school. You will have read in the November newsletter that the leadership of the Friends is getting ready for a rotation in 2019. There are plenty of roles to fill, not all of them with a specific title lest you are concerned, and the current team will be on hand to advise and support during the transition in 2019. The Friends bring so much to St Peter’s, so any help that families (yes, grandparents, aunts and uncles, not just mums and dads) can offer is appreciated. If you think this is something with which you could help, contact details for Angela McLaughlin are available in the November newsletter.

Mr R Cunningham


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