School celebrations

Two weeks into the autumn term, we can now say that the 2018 new school year has officially started at St Peter’s as we celebrated our New Beginnings School Mass on Tuesday 18th September.  Pupils from Years 1 to 6 joined together in worship as Fr Jeremy celebrated Mass, and we were lucky enough to welcome some parishioners from Sacred Heart and St Peter the Apostle as well.  During Mass, staff and governors made an open commitment to reflect the wonder and awe of God’s creation in their teaching, prayer and work in the school.  The pupils themselves promised to be disciples of Jesus, bringing God’s love to St Peter’s school, to their families and to their friends.  Oaklands’ Chaplain Miss Keogh led the music and singing at the Mass, and we are looking forward to working with her this year as we develop our praise and worship as a school community.

Reception Year pupils are still finding their feet during their part time induction period – this week they were to be seen exploring the school wearing their specially made ‘listening ears’!  They start full time on Monday 24th September, so do please keep them and their families in your prayers over the coming week.

Well done to the pupils in Year 3 who have blazed a trail with the first off-site trips of the year.  They visited Butser Ancient Farm to learn about Stone Age life, and my thanks go to the staff and family volunteers who made this trip happen.

Mr R Cunningham


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