Today I received over 55 letters addressed for my immediate and urgent attention. The writers of these letters communicated with passion, detail and vigour to prove their point. There was a near universal momentum of opposition to a staffing proposal that had recently been mooted. In these days of teacher shortages, with trained staff leaving the profession and recruitment to the vocation of teaching being an annual challenge, a pressure group was determined to stand resolute even in the face of a creative and high-impact staffing solution. You see, the pupils in Year 1 had intercepted and opened a letter addressed to me from non-other than the Big Bad Wolf. Having learnt his lesson from failing to gobble up the Three Little Pigs, he had instead written a letter of application to work at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School. For some reason, the Year 1 pupils did not think this would be a suitable appointment, and so set to writing persuasive letters to me to convince me not to employ the Big Bad Wolf. The quality of the children’s writing was excellent, in terms of their handwritten script, their use of spelling, punctuation and grammar, and in their deployment of highly persuasive language choices. So good was their work that I had to let them know that, after all, I would not let the Big Bad Wolf work at St Peter’s. Well done to the pupils of Turtle and Pufferfish classes, and well done and thank you to the Year 1 staff for coming up with such a stimulating and captivating written task for the pupils.
Mr R Cunningham